Contact Us

Please contact us with your enquires below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

We endeavour to reply to all emails and messages as quickly as we can. we appreciate your understanding and patience.

Thank you

LDPA -Le Dance Performing Arts School

12 Commercial road, sheidow park, sa, 5158



  • how do i enrol?

    Simply by contacting us, via online through our website or email! OR visit our studio during opening hours and one of our staff will happily support you! Once we have determined the best class option and age group for you child, then your child will be enrolled into LDPA. We do offer a complimentary trial week in where your child is able to test out as many classes as they wish.

  • can my child attend a trial lesson?

    Yes, of course! Please click on the ‘contact’ button or visit in person to book in a FREE trial.

  • can I Watch The fIRST cLASS?

    Of course! We encourage and would love for you to be there to experience your child’s first dance class. After the first lesson, you are welcome to leave the studio and wait outside.


    Whilst we encourage everyone to work towards drop off so the kids can learn independently and without any distraction, we understand that some children are not ready to be left alone. If you feel your child is not ready to be by him/herself in class, please feel welcome to stay to support them, however it is encouraged children will attend alone by the end of the 3 week introductory period.


    Price information can be available upon request. Contact us to seek more information!

  • how do i know what classes to enrol into?

    More information on the styles of dances and programs are available on the website, However if you are still unsure, please just ask us!

  • WHAT syllabus do you teach?

    We teach through the Australia Teachers of Dancing syllabus, one of the most recognised training methods.

  • DO your students HAVE a end of year production or concert?

    Yes, absolutely! It’s important to give all students the opportunity to perform for their friends and family, and demonstrate all their hard work through out the year! The end of year concert is normally conducted in Nov/Dec so please confirm with our reception team for any further information you require. If you are enrolled to Term 3, we will automatically assume you are wanting to be involved in the concert, if this isn’t the case please contact us. We also host ‘Showcase Week"‘ in Term 1 and 2 where parents/friends are invited to sit in and watch their last class of the term. Other community events or competitions are also available to perform at.